Love — Becoming


Another week has passed and we are still trying to make our way through the abundant questions around how we do life right now in these ever-changing days.  My conversations this week have been filled with weary uncertainty, questions, hopes and fears.  As we bring this week to a close, in honor of Mother’s Day, I want to turn to love. 

This weekend we will celebrate the love of our mothers and mother figures, our friends who we mother and grandmother with, our daughters and young friends who are lovingly bringing up the youngest of our generations.

Mothering is messy, exhausting, heart-wrenching, all consuming, and the most rewarding, absolute best job I have ever had.  We don’t do it perfectly, but we love our children the very best we can.

The Enneagram is helping me learn to recognize and appreciate the affection and good wishes (love) of others, even when they are not the expressions of connection that I may be looking for.  

Here are some other thoughts to consider as we seek to love our mothers, and one another, well:


Type 1 Honor their good efforts and high standards, offer gentle humor

Type 2 Be attentive to the little things, ask them about their feelings

Type 3 Be open with your appreciation and love for WHO they are apart from what they accomplish

Type 4 Recognize and remind them of the things they do well, and the ways they are special

Type 5 Appreciate their thoughtful calmness, give them space when they need it.

Type 6 Reassure them and point out all the good things they bring to your life.

Type 7 Dream with them, laugh with them, hold space for open-ended plans

Type 8 Be trustworthy and remember their hearts are tender

Type 9 Ask their opinion, encourage them to name their own dreams and desires




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