As I was working on preparing this message for you today, I was admittedly distracted. My mind has been swirling with racing thoughts and questions, struggling with focus. We have settled into a new kind of normal rhythm here. It is working now, and yet we anticipate more changes as the days go by. The news of the ravages of this virus remains overwhelming. But as I practice mindfulness, set aside the racing thoughts and sort through my feelings this week, the one that stands out is JOY!
Joy in the beauty of blooming Spring – buds on the rosebushes, peonies ready to burst forth, the surprise of bright new flowers on the groundcover, tending the colorful pots on our porch. This brings joy!
Joy in connection – we live in a porch community. We spend countless hours on the porch as do our neighbors. It has become an opportunity for welcome connection, toasting morning coffee or evening wine from down the street, sharing gardening tips and extra plantings, celebrating the first steps of the new batch of toddlers, a delightful visit with a special friend, listening to the melodies of a spontaneous neighbor for neighbor jazz ensemble.
Joy in simple pleasures – the warm sun on my face, a walk with a treasured friend (at safe distance of course), kids flying a kite, the French take-out anniversary dinner at our own sidewalk café, the guy playing bagpipes in the park, my virtual playdate with my grandson. This brings joy!
In the midst of what you face in your week, where can you find your JOY?
We are in this together!