Catching Up

It’s been awhile since we have been in touch and I wanted to check in on you and your Enneagram journey. Have you found some ways to practice good self-care? Have you learned anything especially helpful during these crazy weeks and months? Have you noticed that insight into others has helped you better understand and communicate with them?

Over these past several weeks, we have been working on new and better ways to connect. My friend, Amanda Spake, Web Concierge, has set up our Community connection on MailChimp and added it to the website as a blog series! I would be honored if you wanted to pass this along to others who might be interested and want to subscribe. And since this Community began with a small group study and a relationship workshop that someone else may have signed you up for, it’s ok to unsubscribe if the Enneagram isn’t your jam. I promise not to take it personally - I promise.

We have also been working on some ideas for future workshops (When will we meet again? Nobody knows!) This Community is meant for sharing and learning, so: What would you like to learn about the Enneagram? Still unsure about your Type? Want deeper study and growth paths? Want to talk about relationships? Parenting? Thriving in the workplace? Let me know!

One idea I am particularly excited about includes Panel Discussions. In my imagination, we will have rich conversation and share stories around topics like awareness, relationship, communication - the good stuff! Stories are such a great way to learn and we want to hear yours! Would you be interested in participating in this way?

The next new thing for Becoming is an Instagram account! What would you like to see on this platform to learn more about the Enneagram? My hope is to enjoy inspired conversations. I love a great conversation - give and take, back and forth, encouraging, energized, and thoughtful. Will you join me? Coming soon!

Finally, I have been doing some study on decision making for each Type. How do you approach decision making? What is your process? Do you see your Enneagram Type reflected in your process? I would love to hear from you about this and anything else you want to discuss!

Thank you everyone! We are (still) in this together!

A Map For Our Journey
